Saturday, 20 October 2018

Another post that is about three weeks late....

Autumn is with us, Mabon creeps up and halloween and christmas things are in the shops. I like this time of year, its pleasant I think. Yes it’s chillier, wetter (well it is at the moment) but much more comfortable than those hot sweltering days of summer. I was only saying the other week, I see the seasons like this - Summer is bustling, busy and filled with scents of flowers, ice cream and grass cutting, the sun is hot and fiery,demanding attention. Autumn starts to quieten down, the land gets less busy although the colours are still abundant. A crispness fills the air and the wet days are still warmish. Winter is of course the sleeping time, the land gets hushed which you notice more after a snowfall. It’s icy blue and white colours are stark; when the sun shines, and it does sometimes, it’s a piercing harsh brightness. Spring is newness with the colours of hope, the sun is gentle and the rain urgently does it’s job. I’ve not really a favourite season although I’m not much for very hot summers nor the opposite freezing of Winter. Have you got a fave?

I did something earlier this week which I never thought I would do. It took a great deal of gulping and swallowing and a number of starts to admit to my hubby that I can no longer manage the cleaning up. I can’t vacuum without getting down on hands and knees and end up struggling to get back up while other chores leave me in increased pain and with no energy. For someone who loves a very clean home this upsets me, I’ve always done my housework with gusto, I like being clean and tidy, knowing that a finger run along my shelves would come back sparkling. To be unable to do that now is bothering me. I wish I could afford a cleaner to come every week or fortnight even but I can’t and hubby is now going to do a major part of it for me, I’ll do the easiest chores while he does the heavy cleaning. Like I say, it took a lot to admit to this and I’m still upset about having to!

After losing Zaffi I have no interest in getting another dog. We’ve still got Lulu and she is loving being the only one, she doesn’t seem to mind at all. Every so often her mate Bella comes round to stay or to spend time with her and that seems sufficient for Lulu. I’m surprised with myself tbh as some years ago I’d be already on the lookout for another youngster to train but right now I’m not interested. Nothing would be a patch on Zaffi, who was more my familiar than a dog. I’d find myself comparing and that wouldn't be right at all, another dog would be here on its own merit not as a replacement to Zaffi. Hence its important that I am honest and say ‘No’ to any mentions of a new dog. Maybe one day I’ll be ready but until then...

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