Friday, 10 August 2018

A late recognition of Lammas

The following was supposed to have been posted on the 1st August as I planned a grand celebration and ritual for Lammas. Instead I spent it in hospital feeling like a really poorly pincushion. Never one to let words go to waste I've decided to post it now; better late than never eh.

Here it comes - Lammas aka Lughsanagh. The start of the harvest months in which we celebrate all things bountiful, hopefully, if things aren't bountiful then goddess help us because the government won't. Ever heard of John Barleycorn? He comes out of the cupboard now after spending these last month's snoring away the spring and summer. Corn dollies appear and celebrations of cutting the first corn along with them. I wonder, do any of today's farmers actually do this? I hope they do, even if it's just a pint in the pub at the end of the day. We should keep these old traditions alive like our forefathers did, they always managed to find something to have a sup and a knees up for.
Today I'll decorate my altar and perhaps I'll show you later; we're having a feast supper tonight, Thai Red and Green curries. Not exactly olde England but seriously who cares.

I've started art work again and I'm so pleased and happy with it. Admittedly is lost much confidence but this latest dog portrait I'm working on is rapidly making me feel "yes! I still have it!" That's something I didn't think I'd be hearing my inner voice tell me this year. I'm thinking positive folks, that's another tick on my list of 'must do's' I'm doing well aren't?

posted from Bloggeroid

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